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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Disability Awards Program

The purpose of the awards program is to promote awareness and to recognize the outstanding efforts of individuals and organizations that improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities in St. Mary's County.

Six awards will be issued annually in celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Any person, business or organization within St. Mary's County is eligible and may be submitted by any party. In the event no candidate is nominated, an award will not be issued. Winners of an award may be resubmitted in successive years consideration of an award. The awards will be presented, which may consist of a certificate and proclamation at a regular Tuesday meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.

Awards Categories

  • Volunter - Candidate should demonstrate exceptional efforts on the behalf of the disabled community through volunteering time and energy.
  • Notable Employer - Candidate should demonstrate exceptional effort in advancing employment and/or volunteer opportunities to persons with disabilities.
  • Care Partner Award - Candidate must be a direct care provider, either paid or volunteer that advocates for and empowers individuals with disabilities, allowing for increased self-esteem and community inclusion.
  • Innovative Program - Candidate should exhibit innovative plan and its execution for inclusion of persons with disabilities in an area of community life.
  • Vicki Brown Award (2 Awards) - Candidate must be a person with a disability that enjoys all aspects of life, is a role model and inspiration for others and participates in advancement of barrier free access for all.
  • Student Award - Candidate is a person of any age enrolled as a student in ny capacity.
  • Adult Award - Candidate is a person 18 years old and over.