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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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History of the St. Mary's County Commissioners

From 1798 – 1838, county government was administered by a seven-man Levy Court. The last individuals who served on the Levy Court from 1838 to 1841 were Henry Fowler, Henry Sewell, George Crane, Stephen H. Gough, James P. Gough, Morris Shanks and William J. Edelin.

The county commissioner form of government in St. Mary's County dates from 1838. At that time the Board of County Commissioners was comprised of five members, one elected from each of the county's five election districts. The first five commissioners were to serve until the first Wednesday of October 1841. After that, elections were to be held every three years. To qualify as a candidate for county commissioner, you had to have lived in that district for one year. The elected board of commissioners selected a member of its body to serve as president. In 1838 a commissioner received $2 per day compensation for each day's service.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1841 George Crane 1 Term
Henry Sewell 1 Term
Stephen H. Gough 1 Term
Morris Shanks 1 Term
Thomas E. Harrison 1 of 2 Terms
1842 [1] Thomas W. Morgan 1 Term P
1844 John W. Bennett 1 Term
William H. Hebb 1 of 2 Terms
Edward Plater 1 Term
William Biscoe 1 Term
Thomas E. Harrison 2 of 2 Terms
William Loker 1 Term
1847 J. M. Brome (surname Broome) 1 Term
T. W. Gough 1 Term
William H. Hebb 2 of 2 Terms
A. (Albert)Young 1 Term
1850 Peter P. Smith 1 Term
Robert Crane 1 Term
Charles Thompson 1 Term
Edmund S. T. Maddox 1 of 5 Terms
Henry Fowler, resigned in 1851 1 Term

In 1851, the Maryland Constitution provided that all the counties of the state be administered by a Board of County Commissioners. (St. Mary's County was thirteen years ahead of its time). The first Wednesday in November 1851 was the start of the election cycle, which would then occur every three years afterwards.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1851 Gideon Harris – replaced Henry Fowler 1 Term
John H. Bean 1 of 2 Terms
John Harrison 1 of 2 Terms
Edmund S. T. Maddox 2 of 5 Terms
Charles Dunbar 1 Term
Clark J. Durant – commissioned March 8, 1853 1 Term P
1853 Edmund S. T. Maddox (district 4) 3 of 5 Terms
John B. Hayden (district 3) – died 1854 1 Term
John A. Crane (district 1) 1 Term
John H. Bean (district 2) 2 of 2 Terms
John Harrison (district 5) 2 of 2 Terms
1854 William A. Combs replaced John B. Hayden 1 of 2 Terms P
1855 Richard Colton 1 of 2 Terms
Thomas O. Spencer 1 Term
William A. Combs 2 of 2 Terms
Edmund S. T. Maddox 4 of 5 Terms
Matthew A. Stone 1 of 2 Terms
1857 Young P. Dawkins 1 Term
Edmund S. T. Maddox 5 of 5 Terms
George D. Duke 1 Term
Matthew A. Stone 2 of 2 Terms
John A. Dunbar 1 Term
1859 Ferdinand F. Floyd 1 of 4 Terms
Richard Colton 2 of 2 Terms
Robert Ford 1 of 2 Terms
James Heard 1 of 2 Terms
John E. Carpenter 1 of 3 Terms
1861 J. Thompson Yates 1 Term
John C. Herbert 1 of 2 Terms
James R. Hopewell 1 Term
F. F. Lewis (full name not used) 1 Term
Ferdinand F. Floyd 2 of 4 Terms
1863 Lewis H. Leigh 1 Term
John C. Herbert 2 of 2 Terms
Ferdinand F. Floyd 3 of 4 Terms
James R. Hopewell 1 Term
James M. Heard 2 of 2 Terms
1865 Thomas L. Davis 1 Term
Theophilius Harrison 1 of 2 Terms
John Dillahay 1 of 3 Terms
Robert Ford 2 of 2 Terms
Ferdinand F. Floyd 4 of 4 Terms
1867 John Parsons 1 of 3 Terms
James Duke 1 of 2 Terms
Theophilius Harrison 2 of 2 Terms
John Dillahay 2 of 3 Terms
John E. Carpenter 2 of 3 Terms
1869 William R. Bean 1 Term
James Duke 2 of 2 Terms
John Dillahay 3 of 3 Terms
John E. Carpenter 3 of 3 Terms
Jefferson J. Redmond 1 Term
1871 John B. Abell 1 of 2 Terms
Thomas M. Shadrick 1 Term
John Parsons 2 of 3 Terms
Absolom C. Tennison 1 of 2 Terms
Asa A. Lawrence 1 of 2 Terms
1873 John Parsons 3 of 3 Terms
John B. Abell 2 of 2 Terms
Philip H. Dorsey 1 Term
Absolom C. Tennison 2 of 2 Terms
Aloysius Fenwick 1 of 2 Terms
1875 Benjamin Foxwell 1 Term
Stephen Jones 1 of 2 Terms
James H. Alvey 1 of 3 Terms
Aloysius Fenwick 2 of 2 Terms
Joseph B. Davis 1 of 3 Terms
1877 John J. Allstan 1 Term
James H. Alvey 2 of 3 Terms
Joseph B. Davis 2 of 3 Terms
George W. L. Buckler 1 of 3 Terms
J. Hillery Parsons 1 of 3 Terms
1879 James H. Alvey 3 of 3 Terms
Joseph O. Taylor 1 Term
Asa A. Lawrence 2 of 2 Terms
Stephen Jones 2 of 2 Terms
J. Hillery Parsons 2 of 3 Terms
1881 William F. Leach 1of 2 Terms
Isiah Canter 1 of 2 Terms
Augustus J. Blain 1 of 2 Terms
Benjamin J. Shermantine 1 of 2 Terms
Stephen Jones 1 Term
1883 William F. Leach 2 of 2 Terms
Isiah Canter 2 of 2 Terms
James A. Tennison 1 of 3 Terms
Benjamin J. Shermantine 2 of 2 Terms
Augustus J. Blain 2 of 2 Terms
1885 John H. Parsons 3 of 3 Terms
William H. Carroll 1 Term
Allen C. Tyler 1 Term
J. Marshall Dent 1 Term
George W. L. Buckler 2 of 3 Terms
1887 James A. Tennison 2 of 3 Terms
Joseph B. Davis 3 of 3 Terms
William H. Dawson 1 Term
James T. King 1 Term
John E. Reintzell 1 Term
1889 J. Oscar Jones 1 Term
Thomas B. Watts 1 Term
James A. Tennison 3 of 3 Terms
John T. Ballinger 1 Term
William F. Yates 1 Term
1891 George F. Tennison 1 Term
Webster B. Herbert 1 Term
Jesse Turner 1 Term
George W. L. Buckler 3 of 3 Terms
John L. Hilton 1 Term

The five-member Board of County Commissioners government lasted until 1892 when legislation was enacted which reduced the Board of St. Mary's County Commissioners from five to three members. This same legislation also grouped the county's nine election districts into three commissioner districts, with one to be elected from each of the three commissioner districts. The term of office was designated as six years with successive terms prohibited.

The system of electing one county commissioner every two years to serve a six- year term remained in effect until 1922. The name of St. Mary's County Commissioners and the year of each man's election follows:

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1893 Arthur C. Combs 1 Term
1895 John J. Billingsley 1 Term
1897 Daniel F. Bowles 1 Term
1899 J. G. H. Lilburn 1 Term
1901 John H. Bailey 1 Term
1903 J. Thomas Abell 1 Term
1905 John T. Cecil 1 Term
1907 Samuel Hayden 1 Term
1909 Frederick Wathen 1 Term
1911 John L. Hilton 1 Term
1913 John H. Oliver – retired in 1919 1 Term P
1915 Peter H. Thompson 1 Term
1917 Alfred G. Sanner 1 Term
1919 J. Marshall Dent – completed John H. Oliver term 1 Term P
1921 Philip T. Graves 1 Term
1923 George R. Quirk 1 Term

In 1922 a constitutional amendment designed to reduce the frequency of elections was adopted. The amendment reduced the number of commissioners to three, with four year terms. These provisions were to commence with the election held in November of 1926. These provisions lasted from 1926 until 1974.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1926 George B. Cecil (1st district) 1 Term
Peter H. Thompson (2nd district) 1 Term
Charles L. Johnson (3rd district) 1 Term
1930 Benjamin F. Redman 1 Term
John Ralph Abell 1 Term
Thomas C. Harrison 1 Term
1934 Clarence D. Bradburn 1 Term
William P. Wise 1 Term
F. Harvey Bailey 1 Term
1938 J. Frank Combs 1 Term
John M. Wible 1 Term
J. Claude Johnson 1 Term
1942 W. Paul Cecil 1 Term
John E. Guy 1 Term
Elmer R. Jarboe 1 Term
1946 J. Frank Raley, Sr. 1 Term
Frank Bailey 1 Term
Matthew R. Bailey 1 Term
1950 Ernest L. Stone 1 of 2 Terms
Leonard S. Alvey 1 of 3 Terms
C. Byron Guy 1 of 3 Terms
1954 Ernest L. Stone 2 of 2 Terms
Leonard S. Alvey 2 of 3 Terms
C. Byron Guy 2 of 3 Terms
1958 John M. Hodges 1 Term
Leonard S. Alvey 3 of 3 Terms
C. Byron Guy 3 of 3 Terms
1962 Clarence H. Ridgell 1 Term
J. Wilmer Bowles 1 of 3 Terms
F. Elliott Burch 1 of 2 Terms
1966 J. Wilmer Bowles 2 of 3 Terms
George R. Aud 1 of 4 Terms
F. Elliott Burch 2 of 2 Terms
1970 George R. Aud, President – 2 years 2 of 4 Terms
J. Wilmer Bowles 3 of 3 Terms
J. Stanton Guy 1 Term

The year 1972 was marked by a home rule movement in St. Mary's County. A charter writing board was authorized; voters had an opportunity to vote for charter government or home rule. Charter government was rejected by the voters with 3,710 in favor and 6,477 against.

In 1973, the term limits for County Commissioners were changed to three full four year consecutive terms. This law was approved May 24, 1973, but a note at the bottom of the page says that nothing shall be construed to affect the tenure of the members of the Board of County Commissioners until the regular election in the year 1974.

In 1974 legislation increased the number of St. Mary's County Board of County Commissioners from three to five with four Commissioners representing the first, second, third and fourth election district and requiring that the fifth county commissioner run at large and serve as president of the board.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1974 James Manning McKay, President 1 Term
J. Patrick Jarboe 1 of 2 Terms
Ford L. Dean 1 of 3 Terms
Jay Laurence Millison 1 of 3 Terms
John K. Parlett 1 Term

In 1978, the offices of the St. Mary's County Commissioners moved from the Court House to the County Governmental Center, at the former Leonard Hall School.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1978 George R. Aud, President 3 of 4 Terms
Richard D. Arnold 1 of 2 Terms
Ford L. Dean 2 of 3 Terms
Jay Laurence Millison 2 of 3 Terms
David F. Sayre 1 of 2 Terms
1982 [2] George R. Aud, President 4 of 4 Terms
Richard D. Arnold 2 of 2 Terms
Ford L. Dean 3 of 3 Terms
Jay Laurence Millison 3 of 3 Terms
David F. Sayre 2 of 2 Terms
Dr. J. Patrick Jarboe, President 2 of 2 Terms P
William Edward Bailey 1 of 2 Terms P

In 1984 efforts were made to remove the three year term limits – Chapter 422 of the 1984 Session Laws of the Maryland General Assembly for the purpose of removing the restriction prohibiting the Board of County Commissioners from serving more than three consecutive terms of office and submitting the Act to a referendum of the voters of St. Mary's County, which did not pass.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1986 [3] Joseph O'Dell, President 1 Term P
William Edward Bailey 1 of 2 Terms
Robert Jarboe 1 Term
Rodney Thompson 1 Term
John G. Lancaster 1 of 2 Terms
1987 Carl M. Loffler, Jr. 1 of 2 Terms

In 1989, charter government was again proposed for St. Mary's County. The proposed charter was overwhelmingly rejected in a special vote held on September 12, 1989, with 1,819 citizens voting for charter and 3,781 voting against it.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
1990 Carl M. Loffler, Jr., President 2 of 2 Terms
Robert T. Jarboe 1 Term
Barbara G. Thompson 1 of 2 Terms
William Edward Bailey 2 of 2 Terms
John G. Lancaster 2 of 2 Terms
1994 Barbara R. Thompson, President 2 of 2 Terms
Paul W. Chesser 1 Term
Christian Brugman 1 Term
Lawrence D. Jarboe 1 of 4 Terms
Frances P. Eagan 1 Term
1998 Julie B. Randall, President 1 Term
Joseph F. Anderson 1 Term
Thomas A. Mattingly, Sr. 1 of 3 Terms
Shelby P. Guazzo 1 Term
Daniel H. Raley 1 of 3 Terms
2002 Thomas F. McKay, President 1 Term
Kenneth R. Dement 1 of 2 Terms
Thomas A. Mattingly, Sr. 2 of 3 Terms
Lawrence D. Jarboe 2 of 4 Terms
Daniel. H. Raley 2 of 3 Terms
2006 Francis Jack Russell, President 1 of 2 Terms
Kenneth R. Dement 2 of 2 Terms
Thomas A. Mattingly, Sr. 3 of 3 Terms
Larry Jarboe 3 of 4 Terms
Daniel H. Raley 3 of 3 Terms

In 2007, the County Commissioners formed a task force to study the forms of government. In August 2007 a Forms of Government Task Force Report was presented to the County Commissioners. Twelve of the fifteen members of the Task Force voted to recommend the Board of County Commissioners move away from the commissioner form of government to one of the two forms of home rule. Of those twelve members, nine voted to recommend a change to the charter form of government. Three voted for code home rule. Of the fifteen-member task force, only three members voted for no change.

On October 16, 2007, the County Commissioners voted to prepare a Notice of the Board's intent to consider the adoption of Code Home Rule form of government and to schedule at least four public hearings. The motion carried 3 to 2.

On February 26, 2008, after four public hearings, the Board of County Commissioners rejected the adoption of Code Home Rule in a 5 to 0 vote.

Elected Name of Commissioner Terms
2010 Francis Jack Russell, President 2 of 2 Terms
Cynthia L. Jones 1 Term
Daniel L. Morris 1 Term
Lawrence D. Jarboe 4 of 4 Terms
Todd B. Morgan 1 of 2 Terms
2014 James Randy Guy, President 1 Term
Thomas H. Jarboe 1 Term
Michael L. Hewitt 1 Term
John E. O'Connor 1 Term
Todd B. Morgan 2 of 2 Terms
2018 James Randy Guy, President 2 of 3 Terms
Eric Scott Colvin 1of 3 Terms
Michael L. Hewitt 2 of 3 Terms
John E. O'Connor 2 of 3 Terms
Todd B. Morgan 3 of 3 Terms

Notes and References

  1. ^ Ibid., 1842, p. 146. Morgan's name from Board of County Commissioner Minute book 1842-1847, p. 12.
  2. ^ George Aud resigned August 28, 1986 – Dr. J. Patrick Jarboe was appointed on the same date to serve the remainder of Mr. Aud's term (President). Richard D. Arnold died September 24, 1986 – William Edward Bailey replaced Mr. Arnold on October 28, 1986.
  3. ^ Joseph P. O'Dell resigned July 24, 1987. Carl M. Loffler, Jr., was appointed to replace him on September 18, 1987.
  • Earlier County Commissioner history was provided by History of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1634 – 1990 by Regina Combs Hammett.
  • Earlier County Commissioner history update was provided by Grace Mary Brady, Historic Preservation Planner, March 19, 2015.
  • Research updated by Vanessa Price, Planner III, November 15, 2018.
  • The original PDF this page's content is taken from can be found here.