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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Legislative Status Report: 2014

Bills Requested by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County

No Bills on Record

Bills specific to St. Mary's County not requested by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County

HB 394 - Economic Development - Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland - Reorganization

Sponsor:Delegate BohananCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:In the House - Hearing 2/06 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 356 - Alcoholic Beverages - Class 8 Farm Breweries - Festival Licenses

Sponsor:Delegate BarkleyCommittee:Economic MattersNotes:PASSED

SB 351/HB 1099 - Creation of a State Debt - St. Mary's County - St. Peter Claver Museum of St. Inigoes, Maryland

Sponsor:Senator DysonCommittee:Budget and TaxationNotes:SB 351 - In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.; HB 1099 - In the House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations

HB 278 - Criminal Law - Tobacco Products - Minimum Age

Sponsor:Delegate FrushCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Judiciary

SB 670/HB 1083 - Income Tax Credit - Qualified Farms - Gleaning

Sponsor:Senator MiddletonCommittee:Budget and Taxation Notes:SB 670 - In the House - Hearing 4/01 at 1:00 p.m. ; HB 1083 - In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 989/SB 770 - Creation of a State Debt - St. Mary's County - Firemen's Heritage Museum

Sponsor:Delegates Wood and BohananCommittee:AppropriationsNotes:HB 989 -In the House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations; SB 770 - In the Senate - In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 1100 - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2007 - St. Mary's County - SMARTCO's Computer Technology Learning Center

Sponsor:Delegate BohananCommittee:AppropriationsNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations

HB 1133 - St. Mary's County - Archery Hunting - Safety Zone

Sponsor:Delegates O'Donnell, Bohanan and WoodCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:PASSED HOUSE; In the Senate - Hearing 3/28 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 966 - Calvert County, Charles County, and St. Mary's County - Deer Hunting

Sponsor:Senators Dyson and MiddletonCommittee:RulesNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 1297 - Calvert County and St. Mary's County - Task Force to Study the Use and Trade of Illicit Opioids in Traditionally Rural Counties

Sponsor:Delegates O'Donnell, Fisher, Proctor, and WoodCommittee:Health and Government Operations Notes:In the House - Hearing 2/25 at 1:00 p.m

HB 1390 - St. Mary's County - Public Officials - Salaries

Sponsor:St. Mary's County DelegationCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:RETURNED PASSED

HB 1393 - St. Mary's County - John Hanson Briscoe Circuit Courthouse

Sponsor:St. Mary's County DelegationCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:RETURNED PASSED

HB 1168 - Electricity - Certificate - Wind Turbines - Limitation

Sponsor:Southern Maryland DelegationCommittee:Economic MattersNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 1530 - St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission - Collection of Unpaid Charges

Sponsor:St. Mary's County DelegationCommittee:Rules and Executive Nominations Notes:RETURNED PASSED

HB 1531 - St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission - Water and Sewer Service Charges - Volunteer Fire Departments and Rescue Squads - Exemption

Sponsor:St. Mary's County DelegationCommittee:Rules and Executive NominationaNotes:RETURNED PASSED

SB 341 - Calvert County and St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Container Permit

Sponsor:Calvert County SenatorsCommittee:Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Notes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 137/SB 301 - Montgomery County and St. Mary's County - Alcoholic Beverages - Beauty Salon License MC 9-14

Sponsor:Montgomery County DelegationCommittee:Economic MattersNotes:St. Mary's County was REMOVED; HB 137 - PASSED ENROLLED; SB 301 FAILED

SB 1109/HB 1550 - Creation of a State Debt - St. Mary's County - Cedar Lane Senior Living Community Project - Phase 4

Sponsor:Senator DysonCommittee:Budget and Taxation Notes:SB 1109 - In the Senate - Rereferred to Budget and Taxation; HB 1550 - In the House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations

HB 1490 - St. Mary's County - Leonardtown - Alcoholic Beverages - Special Art Establishment License

Sponsor:St. Mary's County DelegationCommittee:Rules and Executive NominationsNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters

Other Legislation of Interest

HB 72 - Labor and Employment - State Minimum Wage Rate - Increase

Sponsor:Delegate HaynesCommittee:Economic MattersNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters

HB 353/SB 143 - Income Tax - Military Retirement Income

Sponsor:Delegate Aumann Committee:Ways and MeansNotes:HB 353 - In the House - Hearing 2/18 at 1:00 p.m. ; SB 143 - PASSED SENATE - In the House - Hearing 3/25 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 179/HB 933 - Property Tax - Notice of Tax Bill Address Change - Prohibition of Sale

Sponsor:Senator GladdenCommittee:Budget and Taxation Notes:SB 170 -In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Budget and Taxation; Withdrawn ; HB 933 - In the House - Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means; Withdrawn

SB 278 - Income Tax - Military Retirement Income

Sponsor:Senator Peters Committee:Budget and TaxationNotes:In the Senate - Hearing 1/29 at 1:45 p.m.

SB 238/HB 628 - Board of Public Works - Relocatable Classrooms - Indoor Air Quality Requirements

Sponsor:Senator KingCommittee:Budget and TaxationNotes:SB 238 -RETURNED PASSED; HB 628 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 11 - Environment - Bay Restoration Fund - Authorized Uses

Sponsor:Chair, Environmental Matters CommitteeCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 12 - Bay Restoration Fund - Authorized Uses - Local Entities

Sponsor:Chair, Environmental MattersCommittee:Environmental MattersNotes:RETURNED PASSED

SB 27/HB 193 - Nutrient Management - Phosphorus Risk Assessment Tool or Index - Economic Impact Analysis

Sponsor:Senator MathiasCommittee:Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Notes:SB 27 - In the Senate - Hearing 1/28 at 1:45 p.m.; HB 193 - In the House - Hearing 1/29 at 2:00 p.m.

HB 365/SB254 - Public Safety - Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Funds - Distribution

Sponsor:Delegate ConwayCommittee:Health and Government Operations Notes:HB 365 - RETURNED PASSED; SB 254 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 80 - Civil Actions - Liability for Personal Injury or Death Caused by Dog

Sponsor:Delegate SmigielCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Judiciary

HB 537 - Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Confinement and Release of Criminal Defendants - Initial Appearance and Representation by the Office of the Public Defender

Sponsor:Chair, Judiciary CommitteeCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn

SB 247/HB 73 - Civil Actions - Personal Injury or Death Caused by Dog - Rebuttable Presumption

Sponsor:Senator FroshCommittee:Judicial ProceedingsNotes:SB 247 -RETURNED PASSED ; HB 73 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 240/SB 56 - Environment - Solid Waste Management Practices - Maryland Recycling and Landfill Diversion Task Force

Sponsor:Delegate LaffertyCommittee:Economic Matters Notes:HB 240 -PASSED HOUSE - In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs ; SB 56 - In the Senate - Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs

HB 484 - Higher Education - Community Colleges - Tuition Reduction for Unemployed Individuals

Sponsor:Delegate RudolphCommittee:Ways and Means Notes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means; Withdrawn

SB 430/HB 1063 - Libraries - Regional Resource Centers and County Public Libraries - Funding

Sponsor:Senators King and MillerCommittee:Budget and TaxationNotes:SB 430 - RETURNED PASSED; HB 1063 - Special Order until later today (Senator DeGrange) Adopted

HB 422/SB 991 - Dogs - Discrimination Based on Breed, Type, or Heritage - Prohibited

Sponsor:Delegates Hixson, Barve, CardinCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:HB 422 -In the Senate - Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings; SB 991 - In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules

SB 204 - Prevailing Wage Rates Reform Act of 2014

Sponsor:Senators Manno, Benson, Forehand.....Committee:FinanceNotes:In the Senate - Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 295/SB 331 - Maryland Minimum Wage Act of 2014

Sponsor:The Speaker, etc.Committee:Economic MattersNotes:HB 295 - PASSED WITH AMENDMENTS; SB 331 - In the Senate - Hearing 2/17 at 12:00 p.m. (Finance)

SB 765/HB 1331 - Transportation - Motor Fuel Tax and Highway User Revenue - Increased Local Share

Sponsor:Senator ColburnCommittee:Budget and TaxationNotes:SB 765 - In the Senate - Hearing 3/05 at 2:30 p.m.; HB 1331 - In the House - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 1271/SB 987 - Local Government Tort Claims Act - Injury From Lead-Based Paint - Application of Notice Requirement

Sponsor:Environmental MattersCommittee:Delegates Rosenberg, Carter, and OaksNotes:HB 1271 - In the House - Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m. (Judiciary) ; SB 987 - In the Senate - Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 689 - Local Government Tort Claims Act and Maryland Tort Claims Act - Repeal of Certain Notice Requirements

Sponsor:Senator ZirkinCommittee:Judicial Proceedings Notes:In the Senate - Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m.

HB 809 - Local Government Tort Claims Act and Maryland Tort Claims Act - Damages Sustained on Artificial or Synthetic Turf Playing Fields

Sponsor:Delegates Waldstreicher, Barkley, Carr, Dumais, Fraser-Hidalgo, A. Miller, and MizeurCommittee:JudiciaryNotes: In the House - Unfavorable Report by Judiciary

SB 973/HB 1232 - Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Confinement and Release

Sponsor:Senator FroshCommittee:Judicial Proceedings Notes:SB 973 - In the Senate - Third Reading Passed; HB 1232 - In the Senate - Rereferred to Judicial Proceedings

SB 664/HB 1067 - Transportation - Motor Fuel Tax and Highway User Revenue - Increased Local Share

Sponsor:Senators Edwards and MadalenoCommittee:Budget and Taxation Notes:SB 664 - In the Senate - Hearing 2/19 at 1:00 p.m. ; HB 1067 - In the House - Hearing 3/04 at 1:00 p.m.