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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Legislative Status Report: 2015

Bills Requested by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County

HB 599/ SB 839 - St. Mary's County - Violations of Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations - Penalties

Sponsor:HB 599 - St. Mary's County Delegation; SB 839 - Senator WaughCommittee:HB 599 - Judicial Proceedings; SB 839 - Judicial Proceedings Notes:HB 599 - RETURNED PASSED; SB 839 - PASSED SENATE - In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations

HB 600/ SB 840 - St. Mary's County - Property Maintenance - Voluntary Agreements

Sponsor:HB 600 - St. Mary's County Delegation; SB 840 Senator WaughCommittee:HB 600 - Judicial Proceedings; SB 840 - Judicial Proceedings Notes:HB 600 - RETURNED PASSED; SB 840 - PASSED SENATE - In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations

Bills specific to St. Mary's County not requested by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County

HB 55 - Calvert and St. Mary's Counties - Archery Hunting - Safety Zone

Sponsor:Delegate O'DonnellCommittee:Environment and TransportationNotes:Passed House; In the Senate - Senate Refuses to Recede

HB 184/ SB 842 - St. Mary's County - Personal Property Tax - Exemption

Sponsor:Delegate MorganCommittee:HB 184 - Ways and Means; SB 842 - RulesNotes:HB 184 - In the House - Hearing 2/18 at 1:00 p.m. SB 842 - In the Senate - First Reading

Other Legislation of Interest

SB 68 - Charles County and St. Mary's County - Deer Hunting - Repeal

Sponsor:Senator ConwayCommittee:Education, Health, and Environmental AffairsNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

SB 7/ HB 489 - Electronic Cigarettes - Sale to Minors - Components, Supplies, and Enforcement

Sponsor:Senator MiddletonCommittee:SB 7 - Finance; HB 489 - Economic Matters and JudiciaryNotes:SB 7 - PASSED ENROLLED; HB 489 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 212 - Higher Education - College of Southern Maryland - Bachelor's Degree Programs

Sponsor:Delgate FisherCommittee:Ways and MeansNotes:In the House - Hearing 2/12 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 196/ HB 1089 - Economic Development - Rural Economic Development Program and One Maryland Tax Credit

Sponsor:Senator EdwardsCommittee:SB 196 - Budget and Taxation HB 1089 - Economic Matters and Ways & MeansNotes:SB 196 - In the Senate - Hearing 2/18 at 1:00 p.m.; HB 1089 - In the House - Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Economic Matters)

HB 113 - Local Government Tort Claims Act - Limits on Liability

Sponsor:Delgate ConwayCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 114 - Maryland Tort Claims Act - Limit on Liability

Sponsor:Delegate ConwayCommittee:JudiciaryNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

SB 280/ HB 359 - Income Tax Credit - Qualified Farms - Food Donation Pilot Program

Sponsor:Senator MiddletonCommittee:Budget & Taxation; Ways and MeansNotes:SB 280 - In the Senate - Hearing 2/25 at 1:00 p.m.; HB 359 -In the House - Hearing 2/24 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 370 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research, Development, Regulation, and Privacy Act of 2015

Sponsor:Senator RosapepeCommittee:FinanceNotes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 61/ SB 838 - St. Mary's County - Animal Regulations

Sponsor:HB 61 - St. Mary's County Delegation; SB 838 - Senator WaughCommittee:HB 61 - Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs; SB 838 - Education, Health & Env. AffairsNotes:HB 61 - RETURNED PASSED ; SB 838 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 638 - Natural Resources - Oysters - Shell Seeding, Shell Replenishment, and Rotational Harvest

Sponsor:Delegate HolmesCommittee:Environment and Transportation Notes:In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation; WITHDRAWN

HB 943/SB 776 - Economic Competitiveness and Commerce - Restructuring

Sponsor:Speaker/PresidentCommittee:HB 943 - Economic Matters and Judiciary; SB 776 - FinanceNotes:HB 943 -PASSED ENROLLED; SB 776 -In the Senate - Hearing 3/09 at 2:00 p.m.

SB 551/HB 919 - Land Use - Plans - Development and Adoption

Sponsor:Senator Rosapepe, etc.Committee:SB 551 - Education, Health and Environmental Affairs; HB 919 - Environment and TransportationNotes:SB 551 -RETURNED PASSED/ HB 919 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 1144 - Tax Sales - Reimbursement for Expenses

Sponsor:Delegate BuckelCommittee:Rules and Executive NominationsNotes:In the House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations

HB 366 - Tax Sales - Delinquent Water Bills - Prohibition

Sponsor:Delegate ConawayCommittee:Environment and Transportation Notes:In the House - In the House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation

SB 899 - Offshore Wind - Application for Proposed Project - Evaluation and Approval

Sponsor:Senator WaughCommittee:FinanceNotes:In the Senate - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m.

SB 695/HB 755 - General Provisions - Public Information Act - Enforcement, Fees, and Exemptions

Sponsor:Senator RaskinCommittee:SB 695 - Rules and Executive Nominations; HB 755 - Health and Government OperationsNotes:SB 695 -PASSED ENROLLED; HB 755 - PASSED ENROLLED

SB 863 - Watershed Protection and Restoration Programs - Revisions

Sponsor:Senators Miller, et alCommittee:Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Notes:PASSED ENROLLED

HB 674/SB 852 - Public Information Act - List of Contact Information for Governmental Unit Representatives

Sponsor:Delegates Barron, etc.Committee:Health and Government OperationsNotes:HB 674 - PASSED ENROLLED; SB 852 - RETURNED PASSED

HB 286 - Calvert and St. Mary's Counties - Scenic Byways - Signs

Sponsor:Delegate O'DonnellCommittee:Environment and TransportationNotes:RETURNED PASSED