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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Adopt A Spot

The St. Mary's County Adopt-A-Stop Program supports your desire to maintain your neighborhood's appearance by reducing litter at and around sheltered and unsheltered St. Mary's County STS Transit bus stops. The program establishes a partnership between volunteers and the DPW&T. Volunteers may choose to "adopt" one or more bus stops. In addition, the program provides an opportunity for the donation and/or installation of new shelters and signs from the private sector. If you are interested in Adopting A Spot, please print out our Application Form and program guidelines, and return it to our attention.

Get involved in your community.

Adopt-A-Stop is a program that helps businesses, individuals, community organizations and schools make a real difference in their neighborhoods by "adopting" local bus shelters.

Together we make a commitment to the community and people we both serve.

When you or your group adopts a shelter, we'll make sure the community knows about it. First we'll hang a sign with your name on the outside of the shelter. Then we'll send a media release to local newspapers so you receive the recognition you deserve.

With the Adopt-A-Stop program, you help us keep area bus shelters safe and clean. And the community will see you or your organization as a "good neighbor" that cares about its environment.

How do you Adopt-A-Spot?

Call our Transportation Division at (301) 475-4200 ext. 1122 or e-mail. We'll send you an application and answer any questions you may have. Once a representative from your organization signs the application, we will provide you with trash bags and safety training information so you can begin to clean and make improvements to the shelter immediately. Take an active part in enhancing your community by adopting or donating an STS Transit shelter!

What you'll do when you Adopt-A-Spot.

There are numerous transit bus shelters in the County. The STS Transit System drivers make regular stops at the shelters to make sure that they are clean and damage-fee. An adopter, whether it's an individual or a group, would assist our efforts by alerting us to special maintenance needs or reporting graffiti or other acts of vandalism. In short, you help us keep your community safe and clean.

As a volunteer or shelter provider, you will receive:

  • Vouchers for bus fare to ride the STS Transit system
  • Free litter bags
  • An Adopt-A-Stop sticker recognizing you as the adopter (if you choose) affixed near the stop (i.e. to a litter container)
  • The opportunity to contribute to community beautification

All Volunteers agree to the following:

  • To dispose of the litter as part of Volunteer's business or home garbage and at Volunteer's expense; and remove litter before the surrounding area becomes unsightly.
  • To promptly report any graffiti to the DPW&T Transportation Division.
  • To immediately notify STS Transit if a litter receptacle is needed. As additional consideration for the efforts of the Volunteer and upon request of the Volunteer, the DPW&T Solid Waste Division will affix a trash receptacle to the bus stop sign to make litter collection a bit more convenient.

Volunteers understand and acknowledge that the litter may contain materials that are or are suspected to be hazardous, dangerous, heavy or unyielding. Accordingly, Volunteer shall exercise her or his judgment about handling the litter, make every effort not to touch or pick up syringes, hypodermic needles, or exceptionally large, heavy or unyielding objects, and assume all risks of handling the litter. Volunteer shall contact the proper agency for disposal instructions for litter that may be hazardous, dangerous, heavy or unyielding. Volunteers agree that this arrangement shall be effective from the date signed by the STS Transit and will continue until terminated by either party. Volunteers and STS Transit recognize that this arrangement may be terminated at the written request of the Volunteer or upon the determination by the Transportation Division that termination is in best interest of St. Mary's County.

Volunteers agree that STS Transit may temporarily suspend or reject any application because of construction at or near the site, if the bus stop is temporarily closed or if it is determined that the proposed location is inadequate. Volunteers agree that if this arrangement is terminated for any reason related to failure or neglect of the Volunteer to properly maintain the receptacle, the Volunteer will not be allowed to participate in the Adopt-A-Stop Program for at least six(6) months from the date of termination. Volunteers shall contact the STS Transit System Coordinator at (301) 475-4200 ext. 1123 to request repair of the shelter, signs or placement of trash receptacle. In addition, if there are questions or comments about the site or the Adopt-A-Stop Program, Volunteers may contact the coordinator. By signing the Application Form, Volunteers signify their acceptance of the above terms and conditions.