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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Highway Watch Program

Highway Watch Program

The Department of Public Works & Transportation currently has 32 individuals certified under the Highway Watch Program.

What is the Highway Watch® Program?

Mission: "The Highway Watch program is composed of dedicated individuals who are committed to improving highway safety and guarding the welfare of the motoring public."

Highway Watch is a program instituted by the federal government in a post 9-11 United States. Highway Watch is a voluntary effort comprised of a partnership of the Department of Homeland Security, the American Trucking Association (ATA), state law enforcement agencies, and trucking companies and is funded through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and is administered by the ATA.

The program enlists volunteers to act as eyes and ears to report suspicious activities of either a criminal or potentially terroristic nature to authorities. The program provides a method of contacting authorities other than the 911 system, which in the event of an emergency can be swamped with calls. Highway Watch participants each have an individual ID number which allows the call center to verify who is making the call and also assures that the caller has had appropriate training. This makes the call potentially more valuable than a call from the general public. Their warning call could allow authorities to respond in a much more timely manner, saving lives and property and multiplies the information gathering capabilities of existing law enforcement. Upon reporting the information to the Highway Watch Hotline number, the call center decides which agency is best suited to respond. A call about an accident on the highway, dangerous situations or hazardous driving conditions will be routed to the state police and fire/rescue responders. A call of a potential terroristic nature may be routed to the FBI, Department of Homeland Security or other agency for investigation and/or response.

For more information on this program please contact (703) 838-1719.

Safety Tips

  • Defensive driving is designed to heighten your awareness of everything happening around you while driving.
  • If you start developing these habits early and realize that every time you get in a car there is risk involved, you increase your chances that you won't be involved in a collision.
  • Start practicing now by checking your mirrors constantly.
  • Always be aware of what is on your right, your left and behind you.
  • Check the road ahead. What is on the horizon, what is happening in front of the car ahead of you.
  • Learn to make eye to eye contact with drivers and pedestrians. That way you know they see you.
  • Look at the front wheels of the cars parked on the side of the road. If you see a car with the wheels turned to the left, is it going to suddenly pull out?
  • Of course you can also just drive around in a daze, fool with the radio, use the mirrors for checking your hair etc. and the rest of us will pay for it with higher insurance rates, but you may pay with your life.