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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Inspection Procedures

General Provisions

Please refer to our Subdivision Road Construction and Inspection Procedures additional information.


Permits will expire eighteen (18) months after they are issued unless extended in writing by the Director of Public Works & Transportation. Although it is the responsibility of the permittee to apply for an extension via our Permit Extension and Request Form prior to the expiration of the permit, the Department forwards a courtesy reminder thirty (30) days in advance.

Pre-Construction Meeting

The Owner/Developer/Contractor shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of any on-site construction activity. A pre-construction conference may be scheduled to discuss specific/unusual details of the project or for any other reason deemed necessary by the owner’s representative or the Department of Public Works & Transportation.


The specifications for all work, methods of construction, materials used for the construction of subdivision roads and any construction within the existing or proposed public right-of-ways shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the "Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials", as prepared by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration. Specification deviations and/or material substitutions must be specifically approved by the DPW&T. All construction materials and methods shall be inspected by the Department.

Drainage Structures

The Owner/Developer/Contractor shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to the installation of drainage structures. Installation inspections shall include but not be limited to foundations, bedding, grade, alignment, structure size, length, backfill, compaction, cover, end treatments, etc. All structures must be approved prior to back-filling and shall be certified for size, gauge and/or class.

Sub-grade Inspection

The Owner/Developer/Contractor shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance to schedule inspection once all clearing, grading, and temporary stabilization measures within the right-of-way have been completed. Inspection includes but is not limited to: proof-roll of the sub-grade; road, shoulder, ditch and slope cross-section and profile; permitted length of road; and adequacy of sight distance.

Gravel-Base Inspection

The Owner/Developer/Contractor shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance for the inspection of: depth, length and width of granular base material; granular base samples which are to be taken by the Owner’s representative and witnessed by the County Inspector(s); and proof-roll of the granular base. No asphalt base shall be placed until written test results of granular base material samples are received by the Department. It takes approximately two(2) weeks from the time the sample is submitted for the Department to receive the materials testing results. The contractor is advised to schedule his work accordingly.

Concrete Curb

No concrete shall be poured until written test results of the granular base material samples are received by the Department. Concrete curb and gutter must be placed on approved granular base material. Prior to pouring, all forms will be inspected for line/grade and the area receiving the concrete will be proof-rolled. Application and payment for concrete samples occurs at an interval of one pair of cylinders per 1,000 linear feet of roadway.

Fine-Grade Inspection

The Owner/Developer/Contractor shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance to schedule inspection of the granular base for approval of; cross-section, compaction, and composition (too dry, too wet, too sandy, etc.). Construction stake-out is also verified at this time. Due to construction activities and inadvertent removal of grade stakes, a re-stake of the centerline (with or without off-sets) at 50 foot intervals is often required by the inspector(s).

Base-Course Asphalt Inspection

Subdivision course may be placed only upon written or verbal notification, provided there has been no change in field conditions since the Department’s previous inspection. Asphalt material samples are taken by the contractor, witnessed by the inspector and tested for adherence to specifications. The Owner’s representative shall notify the Construction & Inspections Division a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance to schedule inspection of base course paving. An inspector must be present during placement of the paving. The inspection shall include but not be limited to the following; verification that an approved job mix formula is on file; contractor’s equipment availability/condition; adequate traffic control measures are in place; temperature of material/ambient air/surface at the time of placement is acceptable; evidence that a clean and dry paving surface has been achieved; proper cross-slope and alignment of lanes has been maintained; and verification of pavement quantities.

Shoulder Adjustments

Shoulders are to be adjusted to base course asphalt within five (5) working days after completion of base course asphalt. Top-soiled shoulders may be permanently stabilized at this time if the surface course to be placed is 1½ inches or less in depth. Gravel shoulders shall be adjusted to base course levels, compacted and adjusted to finished grade within five (5) working days of completion of final asphalt course. Vertical or horizontal changes to the shoulders may also require additional drainage and ditch-line adjustments.

Surface-Course Asphalt Inspection

Inspection for the placement of surface course asphalt shall be scheduled by the Owner’s representative a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the proposed paving date. An inspection similar to that used for base course asphalt will be performed. Base course asphalt and all cold joints must be properly cleaned and tacked. No surface course asphalt shall be placed on the base asphalt until all written test results of base asphalt samples have been witnessed, received and approved by the Department.

Storm-Water Management Inspections

Inspections are required after; the initial stake-out of the facility, excavation and rough grading and installation of core trenches. Also during and after installation of structural footers, re-bar reinforcement of structures, weirs, risers, orifice installation, structural back-fills and compacted dam embankments, pipes, anti-seep collars, fencing, concrete pouring, outlet ditches (with or without rip-rap), filter cloth, sod, etc, and upon final grading/stabilization. Inspectors typically try to field verify sizes and dimensions in an effort to assist the developer with quality control."

An "as-built" drawing must be submitted to the Department for review at least thirty (30) days prior to the desired release of a Grading Permit. Please reference the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) Format Guidelines for submittal requirements. Certifications from an appropriately registered professional are also required. Any major deviations from the plans will preclude the release of the bond until the necessary field corrections or plan revisions have been performed, and the "as-built" plan has been approved. The initial "as-built" plan submission should be forwarded to the Development Review Coordinator, as a digital submission (instructions available upon request) in pdf format if the plan is available digitally. After approval of the plan, two(2) final paper copies shall be sent to DPW&T.

Final Inspection

Final approval of construction work under any permit shall be authorized by the Director of Public Works based on a field walkthrough and recommendations from both the Manager of County Highways and Manager of Construction & Inspections. Requests for final inspection must be made in writing or by filling out our on-line Inspection Request Form, all work must conform to the approved plans/specifications, and permanent stabilization shall be completed with a satisfactory stand of grass. Once the Department has issued final approval, formal acceptance into the County-maintenance system is secured via Resolution(s) by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County.