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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Permit Release

Final Inspection

The Developer will call the DPW&T set up a Final Inspection or may e-mail a request by filling out our Inspection Request Form. The Office Manager schedules a date and notifies the Developer, the DPW&T Director, Manager of Construction & Inspections, Manager of County Highways and the Deputy Director. When a Final Inspection has been performed for any of the permits (i.e., Grading, Construction Right-of-Way or PWA, etc., the Manager of Construction and Inspections submits a Field Report to the Permits Coordinator stating whether the permit can be released. If it can be released, the original surety from the Department's safe and a Letter of Release for the Director's signature can be processed. It is then mailed to the Applicant along with the original surety and a copy of the Field Report.

Permit Release

For release of Grading Permits where storm-water management is required and once the As-Built has been reviewed/approved, the Notice of Construction Completion Form is signed and dated by the Department's Manager of Construction & Inspections (or duly authorized representative). Original completed forms are kept by the MS-4 Division in the Completed NOCC Form File.


With the Acceptance of Roads into the County Highway System, the Permits Coordinator types the Field Report from the Manager of Construction & Inspections releasing the permit and submits a copy to theDeputy Director of Roads and County Highways Manager. The release is then posted in the appropriate database. At this time, the Deputy Director prepares the appropriate Traffic Resolutions (i.e., speed limit and stop sign, etc.) for presentation to and signature by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County. Once these documents are returned to the Department, the Permits Coordinator files the signed Resolution and updates the Road Data Index.


Pursuant to the authority granted under Section 10-I of Article 25 of the Maryland Annotated Code and Section 25-102 (a) (10) and Section 21-803 of the Maryland Annotated Code, Transportation Article, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County may alter the speed upon a public road within the County; and

Pursuant to the authority granted under Sections 1 and 10-I of Article 25 of the Maryland Annotated Code, Section 109-1 of Article 19 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, and Section 25-102 of the Transportation Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, the Commissioners of St. Mary's County is authorized and empowered to regulate traffic by means of a traffic control device, and to designate any intersection as a stop intersection, or yield intersection.

The above Resolutions provide direction to the Director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation is directed to install the signage necessary in accordance with Section 21-801.1(f) and 21-803 (c) of the Maryland Annotated Code, Transportation Article.

A Release of Public Works Agreement Form is also signed by the Director.

Repair and Maintenance Bond

Upon acceptance of the roadway and storm drainage systems, the applicant shall be required to post a Maintenance Bond with St. Mary's County in an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the construction cost as estimated by the design engineer, and verified by the Director of Public Works & Transportation. The Maintenance Bond is to cover latent defects in the roadway and storm drainage facilities and damages resulting from construction equipment and vehicles during the term of the Bond. Please refer to our standard Public Road Maintenance Agreement. The Maintenance Bond shall be maintained in the requisite amount for one (1) year or longer if defects are detected and not corrected during the 1-year period, until six (6) months after the approved completion of repairs.