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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Record Plats

The Department of Planning and Zoning has established a seven (7) to fourteen (14) day review cycle policy for record plat submissions. Plats that have been prepared in conjunction with a Resolution by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County for a realignment, closure, and/or abandonment must be signed by the President or duly authorized Commissioner.

Subdivision Plats and Preliminary Plans

Preliminary plans and subdivision plats are submitted to this Department for review through the TEC process and checked against the approved Road Plans and other pertinent documents for accuracy and completeness. All appropriate comments are indicated on a Record Plat Review Form, which is forwarded to the submitting engineer, the Department of Planning and Zoning, and the Department of Permits and Inspections. Once all the comments have been addressed on the plats, a copy should be resubmitted to DPW&T for review and final approval. Where public roads are proposed, the following is required prior to signature approval by the Director of Public Works & Transportation: closure computations certified by the submitting engineer; and a fully executed Public Works Agreement (including posting of bonds and payment of fees) and clear title as conveyed by plat per Chapter 127 of the County Code. An approved Record Plat Checklist will be sent to the engineer and Planning and Zoning advising that the plat is ready for final approval. Refer to the approved User Fee Schedule for additional review and permit fee information.

Final Plat Approval

Once all agency comments have been addressed, a final Mylar / Print Package consisting of five (5) mylar prints and eight (8) paper copies must then be submitted to Planning and Zoning for circulation back to DPW&T. The Permits Coordinator will log the plat package in and forward to the Engineering Technician for review. The Engineering Tech then prepares a Record Plat Review Form indicating all items necessary have been fulfilled. It is circulated for review and initialing by the plans reviewer and Deputy Director. The Permits Coordinator then receives it back from the Deputy Director and places the Public Works Agreement date and Construction Permit Number on each sheet of the plat package for the Director's signature. The signed record plats will then be forwarded to Planning and Zoning for recordation.