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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Shop Inventory and Control

The level of inventory stocked at any one time does not directly correlate back to the size of a fleet operation. A baseline of critical parts is typically stocked for daily use, with a broader spectrum of parts and supplies are also kept on hand at all times to help minimize equipment downtime (i.e., middle-of-the-night snowplow repairs). An Inventory Clerk should be assigned to control all vehicle and equipment items in the Transportation parts room and operated storerooms. Material will be charged to the proper accounts at the time of issue. The Transportation Division will determine minimum stocking and re-order levels for fleet parts and materials and reduce the value of the current parts inventory.

The Supervisor will designate the Shop Foreman or at least one (1) individual to be responsible for the parts room or storerooms during off hours, or when the Inventory Control Specialist is not present. Areas are secured at all times.

Storage Areas

The appearance of the inventory storage areas shall be neat, clean and orderly at all times. All stock will be properly identified and located in its designated area. Bin locations shall be clearly identified and minimum re-order levels established. Items that are stored in more than one (1) location shall be appropriately identified.

Physical Counts

Annually, at the end of June, a complete physical inventory (parts and fluids) will be conducted by the Transportation Division. The Vehicle Maintenance Facility is authorized to scale back its' operations to complete the County's Vehicle Parts Inventory at this time. During this time, there will be a limited number of mechanics on duty to perform emergency and/or safety related repairs. All other mechanics and several additional staff members will be assisting with the physical parts inventory and year-end reconciliation.

Periodically, the Finance Department may conduct its own independent physical asset inventory and audit. Normally, the Transportation Division provides adequate time and instructions for preparation. Any trained inventory personnel are to be available to assist the Finance Department and/or the assigned auditors in performing the inventory for year-end audit purposes. A dedicated Inventory Specialist position is needed to help maintain annual audited losses below 3-5% of the inventories value and to increase the productivity of the mechanics. The following tabulation demonstrates the significant reduction in inventory “loss” associated with implementation of improved inventory controls over the past three (3) years: