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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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St. Mary's County Transportation Plan

The SMC Transportation Plan is a county-wide multimodal transportation plan that assesses a county's existing and future transportation needs including roadways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and transit services, and set goals, priorities, and funding strategies to guide the County's transportation infrastructure investments. The goals of the TP are to assist with identifying transportation priorities, to establish a relationship between county and regional expectations, and to reinforce and support other local and regional planning and funding initiatives.

The last Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2006. It describes existing conditions, outlines objectives, principles, and standards that guided plan development, presents a program of possible projects, and lists implementation actions. (View the 2006 Transportation Plan). SMC has experienced significant growth and change in the last 16 years, and transportation needs and opinions have shifted within the County. There have been substantial technological, land use, and settlement/development pattern changes since 2006 that will continue to evolve and will shape the future of the County and of all forms of needed transportation. In addition to the modes that are currently in use on our roads, sidewalks, trails, airport and our one port; the corridors and means of gathering, transmitting, and analyzing data and the network of utilities that support development have grown in importance since 2006 and must be considered as part of a transportation plan update and how it supports recommended land use patterns. At the same time, new technologies and transportation solutions are now available that can enhance and transform SMC's future transportation system.

SMC 2022 Transportation Plan Update

To leverage these new tools and strategies, St. Mary's County has initiated an update of its existing Transportation Plan. The update will consider the advances and evolution in transportation policy and technology in all the DPW&T's programs, policies, and activities. This effort will also consider social and environmental justice (EJ) and improvements to the universe of mobility options for people of all needs and abilities, including a multimodal approach that that considers the Vision Statement of the Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC), especially Rural Preservation. Preservation of the environment, heritage, and rural character is one of the four elements along with fostering opportunities for future generations.

The purpose of the TP Update is to identify all types of transportation improvements needed to keep people and goods moving efficiently and safely over the next 20 years. The goal of the updated plan is to:

  • Take a multimodal approach that that considers the Vision Statement of the Commissioners of St. Mary's County (CSMC), especially Rural Preservation.
  • Provide a balanced and connective multimodal transportation system, including roadways, bridges, bicycle paths/lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, public transit, airports and goods movement (trucking), that makes it easier for residents of all needs and abilities to bike, walk, or take public transit to reach their destinations.
  • Coordinate land use decisions and transportation investments to improve travel
  • Enhance the quality of life with planning strategies that minimize environmental impacts
  • Advance transportation policy and technology in all the DPW&T's programs, policies, and activities.

The TP begins with a review of the county transportation system today, identifies problems or deficiencies with all types of transportation facilities then sets forth transportation projects to fix the transportation deficiencies and meet the long-term goals of the community. Recommendations will be shaped by technical analysis of the current transportation system and input from the public through multiple public workshops or meetings, public surveys, social media, and website updates. Transportation improvements needed to keep people and goods moving efficiently and safely over the next 20 years will be identified.

TP update will result in a series of project lists that will position the County for future implementation. Some projects may be elevated for consideration in the Statewide Transportation Plan and compete for federal and state funds. Additionally, TP update will include County multimodal recommendations including public transit, shared-use paths/trails, sidewalk that can be incorporated into the county commission's vision. TP update is anticipated to be completed and adopted by the County Board of Commissioners by 2023.

Who is involved in Transportation Plan Updates?

A team of consultants, led by Brudis Associates, Inc (BAI), is working with St. Mary's County DPW&T, Calvert-St Mary's Metropolitian Planning Organization, other county departments, including LUD, IT, and Eco, and communities to facilitate the TP process and identify priority projects and initiatives.

Public Engagement

The TP Update will balance a robust technical analysis with a well-designed public engagement process. Recommendations will be shaped by input from the public through multiple rounds of public workshops or meetings, public survey, social media, and website updates. TP Update team is conducting the first public survey. Your feedback and participation in TP Update will help to inform the future of transportation investments in the County for the next 20 years. Citizens will have several opportunities to provide input throughout the TP process.

Are you interested in participating in the transportation planning process? Your feedback and participation will help inform the transportation investment for the next 20 years.

Public Workshops

Public Workshops will be planned in the coming months. Check back for details on when and where these workshops will be held so you can provide your feedback.

Want to stay up to date on the St. Mary's County Transportation Plan news and updates, public engagement process or how you can share your feedback?

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