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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

NextGen Final Phase Activity Log

Update #27 - 10\18\17

Ridge and Fairground Tower Sites have been activated.

Implementation punch-down list for each site will continue to be worked this week and acceptance testing will continue through Friday.

Update #26 - 9\1\17

Initial observations indicate that the Osprey's Chicks have left the nests at Leonardtown and Fairgrounds towers.

Level 1 RF testing will begin for the Ridge tower next week.

Microwave relocate work is scheduled to begin next week to prepare for the activation of Fairgrounds and Ridge. Work is expected to take 4-6 weeks.

Update #25 - 6\23\17

Sandgates and Hollywood towers were activated on June 22, 2017!

Update #24 - 4\11\17

Hollywood, Sandgates Tower and Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – UPS and Generator start up testing was completed for each of these locations.

Ridge Tower – Foundations (tower, shelter, and generator) were installed. Tower construction is scheduled to start for 4\18.

The base code for the radio system core will be upgraded is scheduled for 4\18. This software upgrade will be the last upgrade planned as part of the NextGen Radio System install.

Update #23 - 12\17\16

Sandgates Tower – Compound work being performed.

Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – Antenna installs have been completed. Compound work being performed.

Ridge Tower - Final design plans have been submitted to Soils for review\approval.

In October Emergency Services requested all Fire and EMS companies provide a pager count for all individuals actively responding to calls. This information will be necessary to complete the purchase of replacement pagers once the initial test group (Chiefs) accepts the configuration of the new units.

Update #22 - 10\21\16

North end towers (Dillon, Charlotte Hall, and Station 22) Microwave Acceptance Testing completed, initial RF testing completed and these sites were brought online late last night.

Additional testing will be performed at each site over the next several weeks. Final DeSense (receive) testing for each these sites will require an additional maintenance window that will impact all radio communications. System users will be notified prior and moved to the NSPAC channels while this testing is performed.

Update #21 - 10\7\16

Final work to complete the installation of the Verizon Wireless equipment at the Valley Lee 911 tower is being performed. The Verizon effort to expand service to this area should be operational in October.

North end towers (Dillon, Charlotte Hall, and Station 22) Microwave Acceptance Testing has been completed, RF acceptance testing is scheduled for October with activation of the three sites expected in October.

Sandgates Tower – The tower, shelter, and generator have been delivered. Antenna installs are planned for October.

Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – The tower, shelter, and generator have been delivered. Antenna installs are planned for October.

Ridge Tower - Site design concept plans were approved for Storm Water Management final design plans have been submitted for review\approval.

Hollywood tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter. No Change.

Update #20 - 9\9\16

Final work to complete the installation of the Verizon Wireless equipment at the Valley Lee 911 tower is being performed. The Verizon effort to expand service to this area should be operational soon.

North end towers (Dillon, Charlotte Hall, and Station 22) will have acceptance testing performed through September and are scheduled to be activated in October.

Sandgates Tower – The tower has been delivered and assembly has begun.

Dillon Tower - Tank hand rail modification has been completed. RF antenna installation and microwave installation has been completed. Functional Microwave testing complete and RF testing is scheduled to be performed in September.

Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – The tower has been delivered and assembly has begun.

Ridge Tower - Site design concept plans were approved for Storm Water Management final design plans have been submitted for review\approval.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. MW antennas installed. Functional Microwave testing complete and RF testing is scheduled to be performed in September.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. Micro Functional Microwave testing complete and RF testing is scheduled to be performed in September.

Hollywood tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter. No Change.

Update #19 - 8\5\16

Sandgates Tower - Shelter and generator pads installation completed in July. Tower delivery and assembly is scheduled to begin in August.

Dillon Tower - Tank hand rail modification has been completed. RF antenna installation and microwave installation has been completed. Microwave and RF testing is scheduled to begin in August.

Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – Shelter and generator pads installation completed in July. Tower delivery and assembly is scheduled to begin in August

Ridge Tower - Site design concept plans were approved for Storm Water Management final design plans will be submitted for review\approval in August.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. MW antennas installed. Microwave and RF testing is scheduled to begin in August..

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. Microwave and RF testing is scheduled to begin in August.

Hollywood tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter. No Change.

Update #18 - 7\9\16

Sandgates Tower - The clearing work and tower foundation for this site have been completed. Shelter and generator pad installation are scheduled to begin in July.

Dillon Tower - All civil work complete. Storm Water Management as-built survey complete. Tank hand rail modification materials are in fabrication and expected to be delivered in early July. Once received, crews will install and complete the RF antenna installation. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter.

Leonardtown (Fairground) Tower – The clearing work and tower foundation for this site have been completed. Shelter and generator pads installation are scheduled to begin in July.

Ridge Tower - Site design plans will be submitted for Storm Water Management review\approval in July.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. MW antennas installed. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter.

Hollywood tower - All civil work complete and Harris RF antennas installed and swept. RF Equipment delivered to the shelter.

Update #17 - 6\13\16

Mutual Aid\Paging – Additional filtering was installed and interference testing was successfully completed. The Mutual Aid and paging for this site has been activated.

Sandgates Tower - The clearing work for this site has been completed. Work on the tower foundation and compound is scheduled to begin in June.

Dillon Tower - Site construction began February 22, 2016. The Shelter, and Generator have been installed. As crews attempted to install the antennas on the existing handrail its was discovered that the railing is significantly different from the drawings provided. Engineers have determined the modifications to the handrail that are necessary to attach our communications equipment and additional supports have been ordered.

Leonardtown Tower – The plans have been approved for this site. The Grading Permit and Building Permit have been posted. Clearing work for this site has begun.

Ridge Tower - The County Commissioners signed the Lease Amendment to locate the tower at the RVFD Carnival site. GPS data has been collected for FAA and Microwave review to be performed. Initial site layout is been approved by RVFD. Initial site design plans have been submitted for Storm Water Management review.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – No Change.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Construction on the water tower is complete.

Hollywood tower - No Change.

Update #16 - 5\12\16

Mutual Aid\Paging – Additional filtering we be added to our transmissions to eliminate any potential conflicts with the existing DNR communications platform on the Bethune Tower. Once the filters are installed we will perform interference testing which upon completion we will activate the expanded Mutual Aid and paging sites (Bethune and Valley Lee).

Sandgates Tower - The plans have been approved for this site. The Grading Permit and Building Permit have been posted. A Purchase Order for the clearing work has completed. Wet weather has prevented the start of this work.

Dillon Tower - Site construction began February 22, 2016. The Shelter and Generator have been installed. Antenna installation crews reported that the cage installed on the tower does not match the drawings previously provided. Engineering is working with the cage manufacture to determine if the modified cage has the structural capacity to support the NextGen equipment.

Leonardtown Tower – The plans have been approved for this site. The Grading Permit and Building Permit have been posted. A Purchase Order for the clearing work has completed. Wet weather has prevented the start of this work.

Ridge Tower - The County Commissioners signed the Lease Amendment to locate the tower at the RVFD Carnival site. GPS data has been collected for FAA and Microwave review to be performed. Initial site layout is being created and approved by RVFD. The application for the Antenna Structural Registration has been submitted to the FCC.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – No Change.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Construction on the Water tower is at 50% complete.

Hollywood tower - No Change.

Valley Lee - Verizon has begun the installation of their cell tower transmission equipment.

Update #15 - 3\31\16

Mutual Aid\Paging – Bethune and Valley Lee installs were completed at the end of December. System configuration and testing revealed the need for some additional equipment which has been ordered and upon receipt will be installed and testing will resume. Testing with the state was performed on 3\28 at the Bethune tower. Additional filtering we be added to our transmissions to eliminate any potential conflicts with the existing DNR communications platform. Once the filters are installed we will perform interference testing which upon completion we will activate the Mutual Aid and paging for this site.

Sandgates Tower - The Grading Permit has been posted. A requisition for the clearing work has been submitted for the work.

Dillon Tower - Site construction began February 22, 2016. The three pads (Shelter, Generator, and Fuel Tank) have been poured.

Leonardtown Tower – The Storm Water Management and Soils review has been completed.

Ridge Tower - The County Commissioners signed the Lease Amendment to locate the tower at the RVFD Carnival site. GPS data has been collected for FAA and Microwave review to be performed. Inital site layout is being created and will be submitted to RVFD for review upon receipt.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – No Change.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Construction on the Water tower has begun.

Hollywood tower - No Change.

Interoperability - Approval have been granted for NAS Pax River Fire to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System and the programming is being performed. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - Trooper 7 completed the radio configurations and successfully tested ground communications using the shared talkgroups installed on the county radio system.

Interoperability - Approval to incorporate the frequencies and talkgroups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios is very close to being received. Once approved, the configuration update on all county issued radios will be scheduled which will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in these areas.

Update #14 - 2\5\16

Mutual Aid\Paging – Bethune and Valley Lee installs were completed at the end of December. Notice of construction substantially completed was submitted to the FCC on 12\22\15. Testing with the state is being scheduled and once complete operations will be activated. A test plan has been provided to the state for review.

Sandgates Tower - The plans were submitted to Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM) on July 27. The Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 with comments. The final package has been approved (12\22\15) through the Storm Water Management review process. Comments have been received from Soils and have been addressed and are being reviewed.

Dillon Tower - The Concept Plans were submitted to LUGM on July 27. These Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 - with comments. The final package has been approved (12\23\15) through the Storm Water Management review process. Soils approval was received on 1\8\16.

Leonardtown Tower – The Concept Plan was approved 12\23\15. The final package has been submitted for Storm Water Management review.

Ridge Tower - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The identified state site (Point Lookout State Park) and secondary site (St. Michaels School) are no longer viable options. The county is working with on an alternative location.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – Electrical power has been run to the shelter.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Electrical power has been scheduled for installation to the shelter and the pre-construction walk-through with the state has been completed.

Hollywood tower - The antennas have been installed and electrical power has been run to the shelter.

Interoperability - Approval have been granted for NAS Pax River Fire to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System and the programming is being performed.. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - Trooper 7 completed the radio configurations and successfully tested ground communications using the shared talkgroups installed on the county radio system.

Interoperability - Approval to incorporate the frequencies and talkgroups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios is very close to being received. Once approved, the configuration update on all county issued radios will be scheduled which will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in these areas.

Provided one County Radio to Pax River Emergency Manager.

Update #13 - 12\22\15

Mutual Aid\Paging – Bethune and Valley Lee installs are to be completed by the end of December. Notice of construction substantially completed was submitted to the FCC on 12\22\15.

Sandgates Tower - The plans were submitted to Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM) on July 27. The Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 with comments. The final package has been approved through the Storm Water Management review process.

Dillon Tower - The Concept Plans were submitted to LUGM on July 27. These Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 - with comments. The final package has been submitted and comments have been received back and are being addressed.

Leonardtown Tower – The Concept Plan was provided to LUGM on 10\21\15 and issued the control number 15-135-007.

Ridge Tower - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The identified state site (Point Lookout State Park) and secondary site (St. Michaels School) are no longer viable options. The county is working with on an alternative location.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – Electrical power has been run to the shelter.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Electrical power has been scheduled for installation to the shelter

Hollywood tower - The antennas have been installed and electrical power has been run to the shelter.

Interoperability - Approval have been granted for NAS Pax River Fire to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - Approval to incorporate the frequencies and talkgroups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios is very close to being received. Once approved, the configuration update on all county issued radios will be scheduled which will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in these areas.

Update #12 - 11\2\15

Mutual Aid\Paging – Conditional state approval was received which will allow the installation of the additional antennas at the Bethune tower. A system configuration change was made on the NextGen system to meet the conditional approval requirement of the state. Bethune and Valley Lee installs a tentatively scheduled to be completed by the end of December.

Sandgates Tower - The plans were submitted to Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM) on July 27. The Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 with comments. All comments were addressed and the final package was submitted on 10\28\15.

Dillon Tower - The Concept Plans were submitted to LUGM on July 27. These Concept Plans were approved on 10\15\15 - with comments. All comments were addressed and the final package was submitted on 10\28\15.

Leonardtown Tower – The Concept Plan was provided to LUGM on 10\21\15 and issued the control number 15-135-007.

Ridge Tower - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The county is working with state partners on an alternative location. No Change.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower – The shelter and generator have been installed.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - The shelter and generator have been installed.

Hollywood tower - The shelter and generator have been installed.

Interoperability - NAS Pax River Fire is working to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county. No Change.

Interoperability - We are working to get approval to incorporate the frequencies and talk groups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios. Once approved by system owners a configuration update on all county issued radios will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in the areas the above systems provide radio service. No Change.

Update #11 - 10\1\15

NextGen Upgrade - The process of updating the network, Control Points, NSC, transmitter site installations, and consoles has been completed. As part of the Final Phase of the project the entire back-end infrastructure has been upgraded (hardware and software) to the most current system platform.

Mutual Aid\Paging - The State of Maryland requested an intermodulation study which has been completed and sent to the state for consideration. State approval is required prior to installing the additional antennas at the Bethune tower.

Sandgates Tower - The plans were submitted to Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM) on July 27. No change.

Dillon Tower - The plans were submitted to LUGM on July 27. No change

Leonardtown Tower - A new lease agreement has been signed by the Commissioners of St. Mary's County to relocate this tower from the Leonardtown School Complex to the St. Mary's County Fair Grounds property.

Ridge Tower - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The county is working with state partners on an alternative location.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower - The shelter pad has been installed and the shelter has been delivered.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - The shelter pad has been installed and the shelter has been delivered.

Hollywood tower - Verizon has provided the county a Notice To Proceed (NTP) for our construction to begin. Work is expected to start next week.

Interoperability - NAS Pax River Fire is working to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - We are working to get approval to incorporate the frequencies and talk groups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios. Once approved by system owners a configuration update on all county issued radios will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in the areas the above systems provide radio service.

Update #10 - 9\10\15

NextGen Upgrade - We are in the process of updating the network, Control Points, NSC, transmitter site installations, and consoles. As part of the Final Phase of the project the entire back-end infrastructure will be upgraded (hardware and software) to the most current platform. The plan minimizes the impact to operations and ensures adequate testing is completed prior to final implementation of each part of the upgrade. This portion of the Final Phase project is the most complex and challenging, and is critical to the entire radio system infrastructure upgrade. The network and Control Points were upgraded this week. The installation of the NSC and updated site equipment for our current 6 sites will be scheduled for completion next.

Mutual Aid\Paging - The contract award has been made, the Purchase Order has been cut, and the Notice to Proceed has been issued for the upgrades to the Mutual Aid and Paging System. Critical Design Review (CDR) was completed in July and work to activate equipment on the Bethune and Valley Lee towers will be scheduled for completion once final approval is received from the State for the additional equipment needed to be installed at Bethune. The State of Maryland has requested an inter modulation study to be completed prior to authorizing the additional antenna installations to be made to the Bethune tower. The lightening strike which occurred on June 30 has impacted this effort, the Mutual Aid Channels and Paging issues have been completely restored.

Sandgates Tower - The plans were submitted to Land Use and Growth Management (LUGM) on July 27.

Dillon Tower - The plans were submitted to LUGM on July 27

Leonardtown Tower - A new lease agreement has been prepared for the Commissioners of St. Mary's County signature to relocate this tower from the Leonardtown School Complex.

Ridge Tower - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The county is working with state partners on an alternative location.

Mechanicsville Station 22 Tower - The shelter pad has been installed and the shelter is scheduled for delivery in late September.

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Tower - Construction is scheduled to begin next week.

Hollywood tower - Verizon is awaiting authorization to install the final section of the tower before authorizing the county a Notice To Proceed (NTP) for our construction to begin.

Interoperability - NAS Pax River Fire is working to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - We are working to get approval to incorporate the frequencies and talk groups from the State of Maryland (MarylandFirst), Maryland Eastern Shore Interoperability Network (MESIN), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) into our subscriber radios. Once approved by system owners a configuration update on all county issued radios will allow seamless interoperability of St. Mary's County radios which may have a need to operate in the areas the above systems provide radio service.<

Update #9 - 8\7\15

NextGen Upgrade - We are in the process for the network, NSC, transmitter site installations, and console upgrades that are scheduled for this summer. As part of the Final Phase of the project the entire back-end infrastructure will be upgraded (hardware and software) to the most current platform. We are developing a plan that would minimize the impact to operations and ensure adequate testing is completed prior to final implementation. This portion of the Final Phase project is the most complex and challenging, and is critical to the entire radio system infrastructure upgrade. The network was scheduled to be upgraded on June 29 - July 1, however the lightening strike at the Leonardtown tower prevented the completion of this effort. Once the Mutual Aid Channels are completely operational the upgrades will be rescheduled.

Mutual Aid\Paging - The contract award has been made, the Purchase Order has been cut, and the Notice to Proceed has been issued for the upgrades to the Mutual Aid and Paging System. Critical Design Review (CDR) is scheduled for mid-July and work to activate equipment on the Bethune and Valley Lee towers will be scheduled for completion this summer along with the relocation of Dameron equipment to the Ridge tower when built. The recent lightening strike has impacted this effort, once the Mutual Aid Channels are completely operational the upgrades will be rescheduled.

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings and preliminary Storm Water Management drawings for Sandgates were received and an initial review is complete. An unanticipated water infiltration test survey must be completed for all sites prior to submission of the permits; the infiltration testing was performed in July and the plans were submitted on July 27.

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings for Dillon were received and an initial review is complete. The plans were submitted on July 27

Towers - An alternate site is being considered for the Leonardtown School complex tower and a new lease is being prepared for signature.

Towers - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. The county is working with state partners on an alternative location.

Interoperability - NAS Pax River Fire is working to program their radio's to operate on the St. Mary's Radio System. Once complete county supplied radios will be returned to the county.

Interoperability - Prince George's (PG) County 911 Communications recently completed modifications to their radio profiles which include modifications which allow access to the St. Mary's County radio system. The list of authorized radios was added to the St. Mary's County Radio System.

Update #8 - 6\26\15

NextGen - We are in the process for the network, NSC, transmitter site installations, and console upgrades that are scheduled for this summer. As part of the Final Phase of the project the entire back-end infrastructure will be upgraded (hardware and software) to the most current platform. We are developing a plan that would minimize the impact to operations and ensure adequate testing is completed prior to final implementation. This portion of the Final Phase project is the most complex and challenging, and is critical to the entire radio system infrastructure upgrade. The network is scheduled to be upgraded on June 29 - July 1. Users at each transmission site will be moved to Mutual Aid Channels while the upgrades are being performed at each tower.

Mutual Aid - The contract award has been made, the Purchase Order has been cut, and the Notice to Proceed has been issued for the upgrades to the Mutual Aid and Paging System. Critical Design Review (CDR) is scheduled for mid-July and work to activate equipment on the Bethune and Valley Lee towers will be scheduled for completion this summer along with the relocation of Dameron equipment to the Ridge tower when built.

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings and preliminary Storm Water Management drawings for Sandgates were received and an initial review is complete. An unanticipated water infiltration test survey must be completed for all sites prior to submission of the permits; the infiltration testing is scheduled for this month.

Towers - An alternate site is being considered for the Leonardtown School complex tower.

Towers - We are working to identify an acceptable alternative tower location in the Ridge area to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county and are working to minimize the impact on the schedule this issue raises as much as possible. There are several promising sites which are being analyzed to ensure the impact to RF coverage is minimized at an alternative tower location.

Like us on Facebook -\stmarysnextgen

Update #7 - 5\20\15

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings and preliminary Storm Water Management drawings for Sandgates were received and an initial review is complete. An unanticipated water infiltration test survey must be completed for all sites prior to submission of the permits; the infiltration testing is scheduled for this month.

Towers - A meeting was held with School Board Staff and the neighbors adjacent to the Leonardtown complex to address concerns with the proposed tower locations. Preliminary site designs have been adjusted to accommodate the concerns and another presentation to the BoE will be beneficial once the final site design documents and Storm Water Management requirements have been met.

Subscribers - The Mobile and Portable Radio software updates are complete.

Interoperability - At the request of the Sheriff's Office, 7 portable radios were issued to the DNR to assist with future joint operations. These St. Mary's County radios will also enhance communications between Fire\EMS and DNR.

Towers - Emergency Services was informed that the proposed location for the Ridge tower is within a jurisdictional wetlands designation, and it appears that the process for building is lengthy and to date we cannot find where the State of Maryland has ever approved an application. Working closely with the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department we have attempted to move the tower to other areas of their property but the size of the wetlands designation and existing facilities leave very few options for this property. We will continue to work towards building in the proposed area while simultaneously seeking acceptable alternatives to ensure adequate 911 radio coverage in the south end of the county. We appreciate the effort and support that Ridge Volunteer Fire Department has provided the county in support of the NextGen Project.

NextGen - We have started the planning process for the network, NSC, transmitter site installations, and console upgrades that are scheduled for this summer. As part of the Final Phase of the project the entire back-end infrastructure will be upgraded (hardware and software) to the most current platform. We are developing a plan that would minimize the impact to operations and ensure adequate testing is completed prior to final implementation. This portion of the Final Phase project is the most complex and challenging, and is critical to the entire radio system infrastructure upgrade.

Like us on Facebook\stmarysnextgen

Update #6 - 4\24\15

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings and preliminary Storm Water Management drawings for Sandgates have been received and an initial review has been completed. The submission to LUGM to start permitting is expected to occur very soon.

Towers - BoE Leonardtown preliminary site designs have been accepted and the Lease has been approved by the BoE and County Commissioners.

Towers - The Lease Agreement with Verizon for the Sotterley Site has been approved by the County Commissioners and sent to Verizon for execution\signature.

NextGen - Factory Acceptance testing was successfully completed on April 23 for the projects Final Phase.

Subscribers - The Mobile and Portable Radio software updates are 90% complete. It is expected that this work will be completed in the next two weeks.

Update #5 - 3\25\15

Towers - The preliminary tower site drawings for Sandgates and Ridge have been received, are under review, and work is ready to begin on the Storm Water Management requirements for each site.

Towers - BoE Leonardtown preliminary site designs have been presented to the BoE and are under review.

Towers - Harris Corporation Engineering is preparing preliminary designs for the Dillion and the Veterans Home Water Tank for tower owners to review.

Towers - Work continues on the MOU Agreements for the two remaining sites (Hollywood and Leonardtown BoE).

NextGen - Factory Acceptance testing is scheduled for April 20-24 for the Final Phase.

Subscribers - The Mobile and Portable Radio software updates have begun. It is expected that this work will take 6-10 weeks to complete.

Update #4 - 2\25\15

Towers -Harris Corporation has provided preliminary site designs for Sandgates, Ridge, and Leonardtown School sites. We are working to incorporate the feedback from the landowners, the Radio Review Team, and Maryland DoIT to ensure all our comments and clarifications were incorporated into the final project plans. The Harris Corporation Engineering Design team is scheduled to meet with officials to ensure Storm Water Management requirements are adequately addressed in the plans. The movement of the towers to different areas of the property for each of these towers exceeds the contract access road (100’ of roadway) will require additional expenses to the project.

Towers - Equipment specifications and site walk-through are being evaluated to ensure Harris Corporation Engineering preliminary designs for the Dillion and the Veterans Home Water Tank are being prepared.

Towers - Work continues with the two remaining sites (Hollywood and Leonardtown BOE) MOU agreements still need to be completed.

Subscribers - The Mobile and Portable Radio software update schedule has been distributed and the software updates which require touching every county radio is scheduled to begin on 3\16\15. It is expected that this work will take 6-10 weeks to complete. Any required changes to existing configurations must be completed prior to this start date.

Update #3 - 1\1\15

NextGen -Critical Design Review Documents were completed and accepted on 12\22\14. The Radio Review Team worked with Harris Corporation to ensure all our comments and clarifications were incorporated into the final project plans. The manufacturing of equipment, site assembly, and build-out can begin at the Lynchburg facility. Staging and Acceptance Testing is scheduled to occur at the end of April in Lynchburg.

Towers - Purchase Orders were issued to Harris for the Mechanicsville and Hollywood shelters and pad construction. While these two of the remaining sites (Hollywood and Leonardtown BOE) still need to have the MOU agreements completed the manufacturing order needed to be placed to ensure the construction and equipment install schedules can be met. We are very close with the completion of both these MOU's and continue our work to finalize.

Update #2 - 12\2\14

NextGen -Critical Design Documents were provided to the Radio Review Team on November 18. The team responded to Harris Corporation with our comments and clarifications to be incorporated into the documents. Once all the open items are resolved the CDR will be accepted and manufacturing of equipment and site build-out can begin. We expect to have CDR completed in December.

Towers -The Commissioners of St. Mary's County have signed the Mechanicsville Third Party Lease Agreement which finalizes the arrangement between the Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department, Telcomm Capital Group, and St. Mary's County. Two of the remaining sites (Hollywood and Leonardtown BOE) still need to have the agreements completed to finalize our 13 site system.

Update #1 - 11\3\14

NextGen - Preliminary Design Review Documents were received and reviewed by the Radio Team on October 14. Harris will incorporate comments and corrections into the Critical Design Review documents and present to the team on November 18.

Questions or Comments -E-mail