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Maryland flood awareness month

Online Resources

More information about preparing for floods can be found through the following links:

Find out if you live, work, or travel through areas that are prone to flooding.

  • FEMA creates flood maps, known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), to show the locations of high and moderate risk areas.
  • To check your flood risk, look up your address in the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.
  • Flood maps provide a guide to flood-prone areas, but it is impossible to predict all flooding. Many areas outside the high-risk flood zone can flood. For example, if you live in an urban or suburban area, you might be at risk from flooding due to stormwater runoff.


  • 30: The number of days it takes for flood insurance to begin. Don't wait until it's too late!
  • Only flood insurance will cover the damage from floods. Speak with your insurance agent to learn more.
  • Prepare for a flood today by reviewing your property & flood insurance policies.
  • Snap some pictures of your property & do an inventory. This will be handy if flood waters damage your property.
  • Flood waters can damage important papers. Store critical docs in a waterproof container or electronically.
  • Before a flood: reduce potential property damage by elevating utilities & installing sewer backflow valves.
  • Prepare before a #flood by installing a water alarm in your basement. More tips:
  • Before a flood: reduce potential property damage by using flood resistant materials.
  • Whether it's a few inches or a mile-high surge, flood insurance covers you for the unexpected:
  • Are you floodsmart? Learn about the National Flood Insurance Program and prepare today: