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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
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Connected Devices Grant Program

All 4,500 Chromebooks awarded to St. Mary’s County have been issued.

The Connected Devices (MD-CDP) grant program is designed to assist in digital equity and inclusion efforts in Maryland. The COVID pandemic increasingly forced individuals to isolate themselves within their homes and avoid public venues and services, placing a strain on households who do not have the technology necessary to access the internet. Working in tandem with discounted and free internet services from the Maryland Emergency Broadband Benefit subsidy and Federal ACP subsidy, connected devices are an additional necessity. Unfortunately, many Marylanders' cannot afford the cost of a device. MD-CDP is intended to provide new, internet-enabled devices to families who are most at need.

On February 8, 2023 - St. Mary's County was informed that our request for 4,500 devices with a value of $894,375.00 for distribution to eligible households throughout St. Mary's County had been approved. Additionally, $27,000 in grant funding was authorized to support the distribution of these devices.