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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

State of the County

Annually, the Public Information Office (PIO) produces the State of the County video, showcasing major accomplishments and milestones of St. Mary’s County Government over the past year. This video offers an overview of the progress and initiatives that have shaped our community, highlighting the dedication and hard work of county officials and staff.

State of The County Luncheon

The State of the County video debuts at the annual Chamber of Commerce State of the County luncheon event, held in September or October. This event brings together residents and local businesses to watch the video and engage directly with the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County through a Q&A session. Learn more about the Chamber or purchase tickets to attend the event online at:

Where Can I Watch?

Residents can watch State of the County videos on our YouTube Channel to see how St. Mary’s County has evolved and grown over the years. Each video provides a snapshot of the county’s progress, initiatives, and community impact during that year. Follow @StMarysCoGov!

Mission Statement of the Commissioners of St. Mary's County