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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Comprehensive Planning

The Comprehensive Planning Division is responsible for a variety of planning areas including both long range county-wide and small area planning; historic preservation planning, transportation planning; and capital facilities planning including water and sewer, roads and schools. The Comprehensive Planning Division maintains and updates the St. Mary's County Comprehensive Plan and the Lexington Park Development District Master Plan. The division assists the Planning Commission in preparing its Annual Report

MPO Planning Projects

Historic Preservation

The historic preservation program implements the plan adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in March of 2000, entitled Painting a Self Portrait: A Historic Preservation Plan for St. Mary's County. Copies of the adopted plan are available from the Department of Land Use and Growth Management. The Historic Preservation Commission provides oversight of on-going programs.

Capital Facilities

Planning the infrastructure to support growth includes preparing and implementing a Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan, tracking the capacity of schools and roadways.

Transportation Planning

The 2010 Census identified the Lexington Park - California - Chesapeake Ranch Estates region as an Urbanized Area mandating these areas to form a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Calvert-St. Mary's MPO (C-SMMPO) coordinates transportation planning between, through and around this Urbanized Area, as it pertains to projects that receive state and federal funding. The C-SMMPO carries out planning activities for the Urbanized Area in order to comply with the required MPO designation and to achieve federal, state and local planning goals.