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Teen Court Volunteers

Why Volunteer?

For those who participate as volunteers on regular basis, Teen Court offers the following:

  • Building overall self-confidence
  • Feelings of deep satisfaction that comes from doing something meaningful with the one's talents by helping teens who have made a bad decision.
  • Enhancement of person pride by being successful while assuming an important courtroom role.
  • Opportunities for learning how to accept responsibility for one's own actions.
  • Team Building practice.
  • Advance negotiation skills.
  • Strong consensus-building behavior.
  • A forum for self-expression.
  • Promotion of civic responsibility through understanding the justice system.
  • Association with a positive peer group.

Teen Court Youth Volunteers

Teen Court youth volunteers must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be in grades 7-12 in a St. Mary's County school.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must abide by the rules of the program
  • Must sign and respect the "Oath of Confidentiality"
  • Must demonstrate maturity and sensitivity.

Interested? Complete the Youth Volunteer Application and bring it to the next Teen Court Session. Already a volunteer? Complete your Youth Volunteer Annual Renewal Form and bring it to the next Teen Court Session.

Adult Court Volunteers

Adult Court volunteers must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be over the age of 21.
  • Must successfully pass a background check.
  • Must abide by the rules of the program.
  • Must sign and respect the "Oath of Confidentiality".
  • Must demonstrate maturity and sensitivity.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to work with a diverse range of teenagers.

Interested? Complete the Adult Volunteer Application and bring it to the next Teen Court Session. Already a volunteer? Complete your Adult Volunteer Annual Renewal Form and bring it to the next Teen Court Session.