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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Annual Tax Sale Auction

Tax Sale Information

The St. Mary's County Tax Sale is usually held every year during the 1st week of March for the previous tax year. In accordance with the Annotated Code of Maryland Tax - Property, section 14-817.1, the delinquent tax payer(s) must be advertised in the local newspaper for four (4) weeks prior to the sale. A purchase made at tax sale should be considered as no more than purchasing the right to file an action for title to the property purchased. The government makes no guarantee as to the existence of the property or its clear title. Properties may be subject to senior tax and other liens, may not constitute lawful parcels of record, may have no development rights, may be subject to boundary disputes or may not exist in reality. Prior to purchase at tax sale, those wishing to purchase should undertake research of the properties available.

The Treasurer's Office then holds a public auction to satisfy the taxes. Properties may also be sold for delinquent MetCom water and sewer bills and delinquent tax liabilities for the Town of Leonardtown. If you are the successful bidder you will receive a "Certificate of Sale" which will give you the right to start your legal proceedings to obtain title to the property after waiting a six (6) month redemption period. Please note that holding a "Certificate of Sale" does not give you title or rights to the property until after the six month redemption period has passed and you have completed the necessary legal steps to obtain an "Order to Foreclose the Right of Redemption" from the court.

If you are the successful bidder, payment will be withdrawn from the approved bank you used when applying to be a bidder with RealAuction. This will be the amount paid on account and will be deducted from your bid. If there is a balance due on the bid it will become due if you take title to the property.

Property owners have six (6) months in which to redeem their property. If after six (6) months the property has not been redeemed, the bidder can start the necessary steps to obtain title. This means contacting an attorney and having them begin the legal work needed to take title to the property.

If the property is redeemed, the bidder will be notified by mail and will be directed to return the original "Certificate of Sale" for a refund of the amount that you paid plus interest at the annual rate of 6% through the month of redemption.

In accordance with the Annotated Code of Maryland Tax - Property, section 14-817.1, the expenses incurred in an action to or in preparing an action to foreclose the right of redemption are as following:

  • Reasonable fee for a necessary title examination
  • Publication costs
  • Service of process by publication cost
  • Attorney fees incurred in an action or in preparation for an action to foreclose the Right of Redemption
  • Fee for necessary recording of documents associated with an action to foreclose the Right of Redemption

If you are claiming any of these expenses, you must have a receipt, invoice, voucher,canceled check, or other evidence that the expense has been incurred. As to attorney fees for services prior to the filing of a complaint to foreclose the right of redemption,an actual expense must be incurred and proven. After the filing of such a complaint, the purchaser is entitled to receive full reimbursement of attorney's fees. All claims for attorney fees and any other expenses must be supported by a receipt,invoice, etc…